Discover the secret to Fast Track to Success In Your Life!

Want to Make More Money, Get a Better Paying Job

Lose Weight, Have Better Relationships

Have More Freedom

Live Your Life 

with Passion, Purpose, Happiness & Success!

By Learning the Secrets of Successful People!


Introducing my proven time tested step by step blue print

Learn How to Live Your Life with Passion, Purpose & Happiness & Success!

Take action now, and invest in yourself by getting
my brand new Believe In Yourself Success System
digital Home Study Course.

9 Videos & 9 Digital Ebooks

personal self developmentself improvement

For Limited Time: You get 9 videos & 9 Digital Ebooks $1000 value for just
$99 -- $47:

Believe In Yourself  Success System
9 steps to success in your life

All learned from the comfort of your Home

Sunny James

From: Sunny James, in Seneca, Pennsylvania


Dear Friend,


After getting several request from others for help to find purpose, passion, happiness & success in life & how to overcome lifes challenges and get what they want out of life. I have taken the time to put together an affective step by step easy to follow home study course just for you!


 Have you ever felt like you want & deserve more out of life than what it is now & you see your life passing you by but your not getting where you want to be!

  Have you ever felt like your life is empty & without purpose or passion & you are just not happy with yourself!


 Have you ever felt like you have the ability to do great things with your life but you lack the confidence and self esteem to go forward to achieving it?


 Have you ever felt like you want to rule your own life and the world but you can't overcome your fears or procrastination or lack of knowledge to get the results you want or reach the type of success you want and deserve for yourself?


 Or perhaps you already have great confidence in yourself and have the courage to go forward to change your life to something better but you don't have a clue how to go about it?


 Do you ever feel as though you can't get started making positive changes in your life because you don't think you can or because you lack the knowledge or don't have the time to achieve what you are wanting for yourself?


 Have you ever felt as though you could achieve more, like get a raise, get a promotion, change careers, make more income, build meaningful relationships and have a better life for yourself if  you only knew exactly what to do and how to do it step by step?


Hi, my name is Sunny James, and I understand exactly how you feel, because I was just like you and been there, done that.


  Let Me Explain:

I was a carpenter electrician by trade & raised in a very musical family my father had taught me to play guitar at the age of 8. Since the age of 18 I had a dream and goal of wanting to become a country recording artist. Years came and went but I never took action on my dream. Then at the age of 34 my 5-year-old son & I were hit head on by a drunk driver & we almost lost our lives.
From all of my injuries I sustained from the accident I lost my health for 4 years & couldn't work so I lost my job. I was a single parent.
We almost lost everything we owned. I couldn't sleep well because I was in constant on going pain so this left me exhausted all the time. I couldn't even play my guitar.

I found myself in the deepest darkest depths of despair. That is when I took a long hard look at my life & said to myself "In the prime of my life this is not where I wanted to be"
I thought about my dream of my music and became both mad and sad that I hadn't taken action towards my dream while I was healthy and young.

I finally had enough.

I didn't want to find myself at the end of my life looking back saying I wish I would have!

I wanted to look back at the end of my life and say I'm glad I did!

I decided I was going to stop being a victim in life and start being a victor. Even though I was broke & didn't have 2 nickels to rub together & we almost lost everything we owned. I made a vow to myself that if I got healed up I was going after my dream and nothing I mean nothing was going to stand in my way.

I took action to make my life better in all areas of my life.

What made a huge positive difference for me was I started to read and listen to positive learning material that taught me success habits and how to apply them in your everyday life to start getting the results that I wanted for myself and my son. This helped me gain the knowledge and courage to follow my dreams of being a country recording artist.

 Now 13 years later not only did I improve my life in all areas through learning success habits and applying them in my everyday life. I achieved my goal of recording 4 cds of my music, plus 2 music videos. I have been on radio & national television & I got to open for the Confederate Railroad. I also went on to write 4 inspirational books & I went on to save our marriage & get our dream home with bad credit & I mean the worst credit you could possible have.

 Now I don't say all of this to brag I tell you all of this to inspire you that I am just a down home everyday blue collar worker a carpenter and electrician by trade without any special training or college degree and if I  can do all of this to change my life to what I want it to be then you can too.

Now I am a much happier person & have a much better relationships with my family & friends & totally love every aspect of my life much more fully & completely.

I now do motivational speaking and life coaching to help motivate & teach others the same success habits that help make me who I am today. I can't express to you the inner satifaction & happiness that following my dreams & becoming a better person has brought me it is priceless!


 Now I'm on a mission to help teach & motivate at least one million others do the same.


 As I was learning  how to change my life to what I wanted it to be it wasn't always easy. I had some difficult and trying times, as I made many mistakes and lost countless income as a result, not knowing exactly what to do and how to do it.


  As I kept learning from successful mentors through reading and listening to their books, cds, dvds and even attending seminars and getting one on one coaching and that started getting me the fast results that I wanted and now I have "cracked the code" of how to create success and happiness in your life,   And I don't want you to experience the heartache and frustration I have, and I want you to know exactly what to do and how to do it to create the life of your dreams that you want and deserve for yourself.


  As a carpenter and electrician a couple very important things that I learned was the importance of having a blue print and a schematic. These 2 simple guides are invaluable to have when you are trying to accomplish something they show you want you need to do each step of the way & they help you trouble shoot when you are having a problem. Also as a carpenter I learned the importance of having a solid foundation when building a home and if it is not built right or strong enough. Then the whole house will shift around causing thousands of dollars worth of damage. Its the same with your life you have to gain the foundation of the success habits and start applying them in your everyday life. Other wise you will wonder aimlessly through life without direction or purpose and you won't get the results you want in your life.


What I have done is taken all of the information that took me nearly 10 years to perfect, and combined it into a simple 9 step process that teaches you the fundamental principles & philosophies of the succees habits that give you a strong foundation.
It is an easy to understand and follow proven blue print that can take you by the hand step by step through the process of creating the life that you want. Once you learn these time tested & proven success habits the way that I teach them you can apply this process over and over to get the results that you want in all areas of your life for the rest of your life.


Enter my complete digital home study course (instantly downloaded to your computer)

Learn How to Live Your Life with Passion, Purpose & Happiness & Success!

Take action now, and invest in yourself by getting
my brand new Believe In Yourself Success System
digital Home Study Course.

9 Videos & 9 Digital Ebooks

personal self developmentself improvement

Believe In Yourself  Success System
9 steps to success in your life

All learned from the comfort of your Home

My simple easy to follow step by step Success System will teach you exactly:
How to live your life with passion, purpose, happiness & success

      How to break through your fears and procrastination to get the results you want in life
      How to effectively overcome negative thinking & get positive results.
      How to effectively manage your time so you can easily accomplish more in less time.

      How to quickly realize your purpose & direction & turn your Dreams into reality. 

      How to quickly build a support team to help you get what you want in life.

      How to effectively create a plan of action to achieve what you want in life.

      How to quickly & effectively take action to achieve your goals.

      How to effectively recognize and overcome adversity so you get the results you are wanting.

      How to strengthen good character values to become a better happier person.

  Upon completing the Success System digital Home Study course

  • You will learn how to have purpose, passion, happienesss & success in your life!
  • You will learn the steps to unstoppable confidence & why it's crucial to your happiness & success.
  • You will have a blue print to effectively turn your dreams into reality.
  • You will learn to recognize your fears & how to overcome them.
  • You will learn how to easily accomplish more in less time so you have more time to do what you want.
  • You will learn how to build a support team to get you fast results in what ever you want.
  • You will learn the importance of following good character values & what a positive effect this has on your life.
  • You will learn how to create a blue print so you know the steps to lead you where you want your life to be.
  • How to take fun effective action to complete your goals.
  • You will learn effective techniques to quickly get you through the rough spots.

Learn to live your life with passion & purpose


What Would Changing Your Life do for You? 


 So, realistically, how could a comprehensive training program like this improve the quality of your life and start to get you the results you want in all areas of your life? 


What would it mean for you if you were able to get a raise, get a promotion, change careers, make more money, build meaningful relationships and have a better life for yourself & your family. If you only knew exactly what to do and how to do it step by step?  


How would that change your life? 


What if you could start to get on track to have the career you've always wanted, start working on taking the vacations you've always wanted to take? 

How about start having the types of relationships that you have always longed for in your life? 


How would it feel for you to start to be happy & fell like your life now has purpose & meaning? 


Discovering the secret to
live your life with passion, purpose, happiness & success!


& start towards living the life of your dreams in just 90 days!  


Friend, what you have just been considering is exactly what my program can do for you.


I put this program together because you asked me to well maybe not you directly but people just like you wanting a better life for themselves.


 In a step by step easy and simply process, I will lead you through the entire Believe In Yourself Success System, and by implementing what I teach, you can start to achieve the results & happiness in all areas of your life.


 Imagine your life starting to be what you want it to be in all areas of your life, if you could start to have everything the way you want it to be?


 Imagine the self confidence courage & time and freedom you would gain for yourself and also you would learn good time management skills?


 What would you do with the additional time in your life?  Explore your hobbies, spend time with your spouse or children, and generally feel more relaxed?



Sunny, What is All of This Going to Cost Me?



That's a great question, and I will share with you the price in just a moment...but let's talk about something else for just a moment: what is this program worth to you?


 The formula I teach in this program has taken me literally 10 years and over $29,000 of learning from mentors and trial and error to perfect in my own life.  In fact, clients pay me as much as $1000 per hour and $4000 to $7000 for complete strategies for learning to find success in their own lives. And if I were to prepare this exact program just for you, the price would be $10,000.


 However, because you are on my list and I care about you and want you to be able to overcome your challenges and succeed. I have specially designed this program just for you so that multiple clients can gain the benefits from creating success and happiness in their own lives quickly and easily.


 I could easily sell this package for $2500, and more easily at a price like $1500.


But you won't pay $2500 or $1500. As a matter of fact you won't
pay $1000 $500 or even $100!
I want to make this a no brainer for you.


 Because I truly care about you & it is a digital product and I don't have the cost to mass produce it or package it and ship it to you. I want to make this a simple no brainer choice for you, so I have decided I am going to make this available to you for just $47 for a limited time only.  The thing is, if you were to apply the simple steps I teach you in this digital home study course, and you go on to learn to live your life with passion, purpose, happiness & success & gain the self confidence and overcome your fear and procrastination to start to get the raise or promotion or career that you have always wanted or this helped to have better relationships or save your marriage or helped you to get what you want in your life that is priceless! So honestly, $47 is a super fair price for all of this information (I have personally paid over $29,000 to learn this material myself).


Perhaps you are asking...well, Sunny, why would you give this away for just $47 if you paid over $29,000 to learn all of this information?

And here's the reason why: because it has taken me over 10 years, lots of trial and error, and frankly, a crazy amount of time and money to learn how to find passion,purpose success and happiness in my life. And personally, I just don't want you to spend and go through what I have to learn this...I believe you deserve a break.


Because you have asked me personally to help you overcome your challenges and find success in your life. I want to make this a no brainer for you. So you can see why I personally believe $47 is a drop in the bucket for what you are going to learn here.


No matter what however, it's a bargain for you. And yes, I plan on raising the price from $47 to the $100 price very soon. So you'll want to be quick if you want to save some money and start getting fast results.


 Plus....My 100% Iron Clad Happiness Guarantee:


 I want you to be 100% satisfied with my program and if you are not, I do not want to keep your money, period. So here is what I am going to do: try out my basic Believe In Yourself Success System read and apply the whole process to your life for 90 days, and if after the 90 days you do not start to see positive results that you wanted in your life simply email me and I will refund your entire purchase price.


  So go ahead, give my exclusive formula and success system package a try.  You have nothing to lose, and the upside is you could start transforming your life in the next 90 days:


Believe In Yourself Success System

home study course

For Limited Time: You get 9 videos & 9 Digital Ebooks $1000 value for just
$99 -- $47:

personal self developmentself improvement

Free Bonus no. 1 - 1 month unlimited email access to me

Free Bonus no. 2: - Free Download of My Take On Life cd - $20 value


You'll have special access to my 9 videos that are a total of 2 1/2 hours. Where I teach you personally the 9 steps that are in the 9 ebooks. So you get more in depth learning through both the ebooks & videos plus 1 month free email access to me plus free download of My Take On life cd all this for just
$99 -- $47:


Free Bonus: Free Download of My Take On Life cd - $20 value

When you hear my songs remember my story & let it inspire you to live your dreams

Sunny James

Here is To your happiness & success,


Sunny  James


P.S.  Imagine learning to live your life with passion, purpose, happiness & success by gaining the self confidence and overcoming your fears & procrastination to help you transform your life to what you want it to be?  How would your life be different from where it is today?


Go ahead and try out my Success System it works I guarantee it!

P.S.S.  What do you have to lose? if after applying my steps & philosophies for 90 days

you do not see some positive changes in your life I will refund you your money back,  just email me.


If you don't do this today you will wonder forever what your life could have be in just 90 days.

Don't lose out claim your Believe In Yourself Success System online study course today!